A coordinated philanthropic approach to climate change
CEA was hired by a consortium of the world’s leading foundations to develop a rigorous roadmap for philanthropic investment in climate change. CEA conducted an analysis of the then-current philanthropic and NGO investments in climate change, a thorough scientific and economic literature review, and interviews with leading climate experts globally. Our team developed an exhaustive list of possible carbon reduction strategies. CEA quantified each strategy’s expected cost and prioritized potential investments based on their mitigation potential and ability to prevent the “lock-in” of long-lived emissions sources. CEA published the Design to Win report, a summary of this analysis and a strategy document for foundations. This landmark report was the basis for launching ClimateWorks, which has been a leader in climate philanthropy over the last decade.
Launching a major philanthropic network to reduce greenhouse gases
After producing the Design to Win report, CEA helped launch ClimateWorks, a global philanthropic network dedicating to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CEA’s services included broad support for communications including writing, editing, developing presentations, and crafting a communications strategy. We developed materials for the executive team, board of directors, external partners, funders, and the public. CEA also helped to recruit key personnel and assisted in the design of the organization.
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